
Clean The City PC Video Game


Clean The City THE GAME For Windows PCS!

SKU: 016 Category: Tags: , , , ,

The city is being taken over by tall grass and within it dwells dangerous creatures! Grass Creatures! Overgrown weeds and wild plants just won’t die! Deadly Barks, Horsetails, Crabgrass and more! What is a guy like AP doing here in all of this chaos?! Trying to save the lovely homeowners and residents of his community from losing their lives and homes to the dangers that surround them! Will AP be able to survive the day and night? Will he be able to save the lovely folks in town from the dangers that lurk outside of their doors? You can fend off the weeds with an arsenal of weapons like a weedeater, water guns, flaming basketballs and if God willing a little help from Uncle Anthony! Use what you find and collect to help with staying fueled and healthy and add to your overall score. Do these yards and neighborhoods ever end?! Does the grass grow wild around here? Find your way through 9 levels full of tall grass and residents who are in need of your assistance!

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